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Thursday, September 1, 2011

Steam Cheese Cake

3个 鸡蛋[A级] / 3 eggs[gred A] (把蛋黄和蛋白分开/ Separate egg white and yolk)
100克 幼糖 / 100gm Granulated sugar
1 1/4茶匙 盐 / 1 1/4 tsp salt
250克 芝士奶油 / 250gm cream cheese
150毫升 鲜奶油 / 150ml whipping cream[fresh cream]
100克 面粉 / 100gm flour + 30克 玉米粉 / corn flour (两种粉混合一起 / mix two flour together)
1茶匙 香草精华 /  1 tsp vanilla essence
2茶匙可可粉 / 2 tsp cocoa powder 

1.把四方形(7 x 7 x 3)寸, 或圆形烘模的里面都涂上牛油, 然后铺上油纸.把它放进大锅中蒸热.
   Using a square (7 x 7 x 3) inches, or round baking mold which is coated with butter,
   then covered with oiled paper. Put into the big pot then steam it until hot.
   2.Beat the egg white with some sugar and salt until foaming. Standby for later use.[A]

3.再用另一个容器,把鲜奶油搅拌直蓬松, 再加入剩下的糖搅拌均匀.[B]
   3.Use another container ,beat the whipping cream[fresh cream] until fluffy .[B]

4.在蛋白混合[A]里加入蛋黄一个一个进, 继续搅拌, 然后把加入奶油混合[B]搅拌,
   再慢慢切入面粉混合(不能太用 力搅拌).之后加入香草精华混合均匀.
   4.Add in the egg yolk one by one into egg white mixer [A] ,continues beating ,then add
      in the cream mixer[B], stir again, then slowly add in flour by stir it (don't beat,just stir).
      Then add in essence stir until mix well.

5.把混合物分成两等份,一部分加入可可粉搅拌均匀; 另一部分不用加让它保持原色.
   5.Separate the batter into 2 equal part ,1 part mix well with cocoa powder, the other part just
   let it been original colour.Then put each other mixer into two pastry bag .

6.把两个袋的前端剪两个小切口,然后褐白交替挤成条纹, 挤进烘模底, 第一层.(或做另一种自己喜欢花样)
   6.Cut the end of the pastry bag .Then press a line alternately between original and
      brown  mixture on the bottom of cans.(Or do another kind of pattern you like)

7.用水蒸法蒸直8~10分钟.在挤第二层,褐色在原色上面,交替. 再蒸8~10分钟.重复直到把材料挤完.

          Also changed as brown / primary colors divided into 2 parts, made into 3 layer
           brown color ori. colour then brown again.

    #2#隔水蒸蛋糕 ~ 取锅子下放水再垫一个碗/铁架子,水煮开后将蛋糕液倒入模具放在碗/铁架子上方,
           用铝纸包盖在蛋糕模具上面,防止水蒸气进入. 加上锅盖,最好用布把锅与盖之间的缝隙盖上,蒸直熟即可。

           Steam By Water ~ Take a big pot, pour in some water ,then put a bowl / iron shelf before
           put in the cake, after the water boiling, cover the pan with aluminum foil to prevent the
           water vapor into the batter,put the cake batter on top of the bowl / iron shelf, cover, preferably
           with a cloth to cover the gap between the pot and Cover and steam until cooked.
          ( Open with a toothpick into the cake, pull out the toothpicks without sticky batter to success!)

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    一量杯 =16大匙=235C.C

    一大匙 =3小匙=15C.C




    奶油      1大匙=13克   1杯=227克=1/21磅=2小條  1磅=454克

    乳瑪淋     1大匙=14克   1杯=227克=1/2磅

    沙拉油     1大匙=14克   1杯=227克=1/2磅

    牛奶      1大匙=14克   1杯=227克=1/2磅=奶粉4大匙+水 =奶水1/2杯+水

    奶粉      1大匙=6.25克

    蛋(連殼)    1個 =60公克

    蛋(不連殼)    1個 =55公克

    蛋黃      1個=20公克

    蛋白      1個=35公克

    細砂糖     1杯=200公克

    糖粉      1杯=130公克

    細砂糖     1杯=180~200公克

    粗砂糖     1杯=200~220公克

    糖漿      1大匙=21公克

    棉白糖(過篩)  1杯=130公克

    麵粉      1杯=120公克

    玉米粉     1大匙=12.6公克

    可可粉     1大匙=7公克

    花生醬     1大匙=16公克

    蜂蜜      1大匙=21公克   1杯=340公克

    碎乾果     1杯=114公克

    葡萄乾     1杯=170公克

    乾酵母     1小匙=3公克

    鹽       1小匙=5公克

    發粉(泡打粉)  1小匙=4公克

    小蘇打     1小匙=4.7公克

    塔塔粉     1小匙=3.2公克


    1安士(oz) 28.35克(g)

    1兩(tael) 37.8克(g)

    1磅(lb) 454克(g) 16安士(oz)

    1斤(catty) 605克(g) 16兩(tael)

    1公斤(kg) 1,000克(g) 2.2磅(lb)


    1杯(cup) 8安士(oz) 16湯匙(tbsp)

    1湯匙(tbsp) 15 c.c. 3茶匙(tsp)

    1茶匙(tsp) 5 c.c. 1/3湯匙(tbsp)

    1/2茶匙(tsp) 2.5 c.c.

    1/4茶匙(tsp) 1.25 c.c.


    華 氏(oF) 攝 氏(oC)

    250 120

    275 135

    300 150

    325 165

    350 180

    375 190

    400 205

    425 220

    450 230

    475 250

    500 260

    600 320